We know who we are in our heart. By knowing that, we also know the truth. Our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual gifts will guide each one of us in our journey.

- The Sacred Teaching of Truth

Frequently Asked Questions

During regular business please contact one of our locations (Winnipeg: 204-943-9111 / Grand Rapids: 204-639-2501). If it is after business hours please call 1-888-277-1043.


To obtain a replacement card please contact the branch at (204) 943-9111 or visit one of our locations to request a replacement.

Call 1-855-341-4643 and speak to a customer service representative to cancel your lost or stolen credit card immediately

If you are receiving a new card and you require a pin number, it will arrive a few days after your new card. You can take both the pin & card to any ATM or Point of Sale terminal and begin using your new card.

You can change your PIN at any Canadian Credit Union ATM that displays the ACCULINK® symbol. You can also go to any Credit Union branch with Everlink PIN Sharing Services. Find a branch by clicking here: https://www.everlink.ca/pin-services-branch-locator/

Note: Remember to sign the back of your new card and then destroy your old card.

  1. Bend and Peel along the dotted line and carefully peel the paper off to expose your new pin #
  2. Turn the paper back over to read your information.

Please contact our telephone banking service at 1-866-295-6819 and follow the prompts for the service you wish to use or you may use our internet banking service at https://www6.memberdirect.net/brand/celero_me-dian/OnlineBanking/Accounts/ to view your account information. You will require your Card number and access code so please have that information when attempting to inquire about your account(s).

*Branch employees are not able to provide account balance information over the telephone as we want to ensure our members privacy*

To open an account with Me-Dian Credit Union;

We are required to verify your identity, so you do need to come into a branch to complete your new account opening.

Here’s what you need to bring –two pieces of identification(see list below) one MUST be photo and a $10.00 deposit for activating the new account.

Note: Photocopied & Expired identification are not accepted.

  • Valid Canadian passport
  • Canadian driver’s licence
  • Government of Canada issued ID:
    • Certificate of Indian Status
    • Old Age Security card
    • Military ID card
    • Canadian Citizenship card or Certification of Naturalization
    • Permanent Resident card
  • Canadian Firearms licence
  • Canadian birth certificate

If two pieces are not available from the above list, then one piece of ID from above list and one piece of ID from the following list may be accepted:

  • Student ID card
  • Debit card or bank card with name and signature on it
  • Canadian credit card with name and signature on it
  • Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) client card with photo and signature on it

Online - Click on Payments tab > Add Payee > Enter in the Payee name > select from list of available bill payees > Enter account number found on bill (do not include any hyphens/dashes)

Phone - Dial 1-866-295-6819 Press 6 for Bill Payment Options > Enter CARD # & PAC > Press 3 for manage personal payee list > Press 1 for add Payee > Using the number keys spell out the bill payment you would like to add (EX Shaw = 7429) > listen to the list of bill payees and select the correct payee you want to add > Enter account number from the bill

Yes, when you log into your online banking;

Click on Account Services > Click on Order Cheques > Complete the form and click continue. It will be electronically sent to our branch and be processed at our earliest convenenence. It will take 3-5 business days to process the order and the service charge will be debited from the account once its shipped.

Contact the branch if you require any further information (204) 943-9111.

You can download our mobile app by visiting the Apple App Store or Android Google Play Store

You can apply online to become a member by clicking here.


You can apply for a loan by clicking here.


Now you can print a digital version of your void cheque that will provide you a documented letter with your banking information.   This can be printed or saved in order to set up automatic withdrawals/debits or deposits as needed.


A couple of tips before you start:

  • It is recommended for you to use a computer to log into your online banking to get access to your void cheque as it will be easier to navigate and save the document if needed.
  • This option is not available through our mobile app at this time.  You will need to go through our online banking via our website to access this option.


For more info, click here to download step by step instructions.

Click here to download a PDF to help you with e-transfers.

If you entered the wrong password and were locked out, you will be able to try again in a few hours.


During regular business, you can also contact us to reset your password: 204-943-9111.


If it is after business hours, feel free to fill out our reset form at https://www.mediancu.mb.ca/access-reset and someone will contact you during business hours.

The password requirements have recently changed. You new password will need:

to be 9-12 characters long

to have at least 1 upper case (capital) letter (A-Z)

to have at least 1 lower case letter (a-z)

to have at least 1 number (0-9)

to have at least 1 accepted special character ( @ # $ - | ! )


NOTE: You cannot re-use any of your 10 previous passwords


For more assistance, contact us or refer to our troubleshooting manual by clicking here.